Monday, July 17

"When life whacks you so hard your head flies off, sew it back on and keep going." ~ Mary Pierce ~ You either sew it back on and keep on going or you die-figuratively or literally-mentally or spiritually” Life whacks us all…this is a major part of Satan’s plan. Let us just make sure we have put it on straight! Many times when we pick ourselves up if we are not careful we have put our head on crooked or even backwards…we think just getting it back on is all that matters…but it has to be on straight! Hard work is a good way to get our head back together when life gives us a hard whack, but hard work by itself won’t keep us going. Change of environment and scenery can sometimes put our heads back on when we have had a good whack but that won’t keep us going either. Friends and family are important and can be the strong thread that keeps our head on, but they too can wear thin and snap. The thread that is strong enough to keep our head on straight is the crimson thread of Christ’s blood that winds it way through the Word of God. This thread is the only thing strong enough to keep our head on even when life has given us a good hard whack. I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength and “sewing my head back on “ is something I have done several times in my lifetime. Getting it on straight was more of a problem; however, it stays on longer and straighter when I have used the thread that Christ so freely gave on the cross. It is my prayer that this will be the thread we all use when we get the whacks of life that Satan gives us. Blessings.


  1. Anonymous9:43 AM

    Yep, I have that problem of getting back on straight...even with the help of friends that can are correct that it is the thread of Christ...what a beautiful post. Thank you!

  2. straight... oh how I am working on my sewing skills! Thanks!

  3. I like that you referred to it as the "crimson thread of Christ's blood"--that's right on!

    We chose the same Bible verse today, "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." Amen.

  4. That quote reminds me of the movie "Death Becomes Her" where Goldie Hawn's character whacks Meryl Streep's character in the head, and her head's on backwards. Funny scene. And you're right, sometimes we don't have our heads on straight, which makes for some very mixed up ways of thinking and acting. Good post. - Donna
