Tuesday, August 8

"Remember, we all stumble, every one of us.
That's why it's a comfort to go hand in hand."~ Emily Kimbrough ~ Hand in hand… Two little girls hopping from the last step of the school bus and rushing hand in hand to the playground – a new year of school has begun and the future is out there someplace but they go hand in hand to what the new year brings.
Lovers walking on the beach as the sun silhouettes them against the evening Florida sky-boy and girl walking toward the parking lot after a day at the beach and the future is out there someplace, but they go hand in hand to what the night may bring
Parents and children scolding and laughing as they push their way to the entrance of the amusement park, mother, father, daughter, son hurrying toward the day of family fun-and the future is out there someplace, but they go hand in hand to meet it unafraid of what years may bring.
White haired lady and upright man carrying his cane as they walk toward the door of the hospital-leaning one on the other as they have done for the past fifty years, they push open the door and the future is out there someplace but they enter hand in hand for what the visit may bring.
What a comfort it is to go hand in hand with someone else through the experiences of life because we know we will stumble, and those of us who have a hand to hold realize what a security it is when we stumble. But remember “everyone of us stumbles” as we come from that past or go to that future. The only hand we really can truly trust is God’s hand. He never stumbles. He can always hold us up. Holding hands with Him will always keep us safe for what ever the future brings. And there is my comfort in life.


  1. That was beautiful....

    Thank you for your words.

  2. Anonymous5:20 PM

    Your images are so comforting!

  3. Anonymous12:39 PM

    My comort too . . . and my Comforter!

    Thank you for sharing!
