Wednesday, November 8

Thousand Gifts List

Between now and Christmas I am joining with Christian Women OnLine to make random entries as they come to mind of the gifts God has blessed me with this holiday season. Starting today they will be found on this blog site. I hope you share with me in the wonderful blessings God has bestowed upon this child of His. 11/08/06...telephone conversations with my daughter...white clouds in the blue sky of Florida...friends calling my name...grandaughter -to- be sharing her bridesmaid's dress via e-mail...she included me...smell of spaghetti sauce simmering,e-mail and instant message to keep in touch with my daughter,11/11/06 friends to share music with, American Remembers music at Palladium, vehicles that let all six of us ride together,flexible fingers to play piano, ability to walk, the little green parakeets flying over golf course 11/12/06 flea markets, music in worship, new people in worship, warmth of sun on aching shoulders,

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