Tuesday, July 17


As I walk in the early morning air, I look forward to the week ahead. Our oldest grandson is getting married on Saturday, and all my children are coming home. My 90 year old mother is visiting and many relatives of both families will be traveling to celebrate with the young couple as they start a life together. I am so excited. The church building will be covered with candles and flowers. The invitations have been sent. The feast is being prepared for everyone receiving an invitation. The finest facilities are rented and the large candles, the rose bowls, the m&m candies and the chocolate fountain are just waiting for the big day. A beautiful multi-tiered bride’s cake elaborately decorated with pearls and ribbons will grace the refreshment table and on the adjoining table the groom’s cake all decked out in a camouflage icing to honor the deer hunting groom will be sliced to serve his friends. And the responses have been made. Many have indicated they will be part of our celebration. Some have not responded yet and it is getting rather close to the date of the wedding. We are uncertain about these people. Others have received their invitations but have declined. They don’t specify a reason, just “sorry we will not be attending”. And we regret they won’t be a part of our joy, but they were invited and have chosen to be absent from us. I’m sure they have what they feel are good reasons for declining our invitation. I anticipate visiting with the family I have not seen for awhile. Our daughter-in-law (the mother of the groom) will arrive tonight and then later in the week our son, our granddaughter and her friend will leave their jobs and join the family to prepare for the week-end. What joy to be together for such an occasion! God has also prepared such an occasion for His bride the church. He has made the plans; the decorations are finished and placed in readiness for the guests. Everyone has been invited to the wedding feast and yet many have not responded to the personal invitation even though the day is quickly approaching All who have already reserved a place at the celebration are anticipating the gathering. It will be a time for renewal of acquaintance, a time to share with relatives we haven’t seen for awhile, a time for joy as we assemble with so many familiar faces and surprised delight as we recognize an old friend that we didn’t expect to be there. God’s preparations are constant and unchanging and His invitation is always ready. I wonder why people refuse an invitation to celebrate God’s love for his bride throughout eternity. Much like those who sent refusals to the wedding we are planning, they are just too busy. For many, it isn’t that they haven’t been offered the invitation, just that they haven’t realized its importance. Life gets in the way of eternity. I pray today that someone will accept the invitation that God is offering to be a part of the eternal celebration when God welcomes His bride the church into eternity.


  1. Anonymous11:53 PM

    This is beautiful, Clella. thanks for sharing your views of God with us. As I read, I felt a breath of fresh air wash over me. Thanks for the refreshment.

  2. Clella,

    Wonderful illustration of your week ahead and God's invitation for ourown lives. Beautifully written and inspiring.
