Monday, January 26


Using the modern method again to report the family news. My mother, Betty Martin, went home to be with our Lord on December 28, 2008. She had not been sick before that Saturday and we felt she had developed congestion from a cold. I will write to share with my readers before too long. Right now I am working through the legal and mental processes of losing a parent. Very few people are blessed to have their mother with them for so long. She was a true Christian lady and a blessing to all who knew here. My family and I appreciate your prayers. Praising God for His blessings during this time.


  1. Clella: It is bittersweet to say goodbye to a parent who is a believer. You know you will see them soon, but your heart aches anyway. I pray the Lord's peace for you today. Love, Jen

  2. Anonymous4:17 AM

    Clella: While I know you shared this news of your mother's passing a while ago, I just found it and it brought back memories.

    On Saturday December 18, 2004 I was on my way out the door and about to get in my truck when I noticed my cell phone wasn't turned on. So I turned it on and was immediately signaled that I had two messages waiting for me. Just as I started listening to the messages my wife ran out the back door waving at me.

    The night before without warning my grandmother had passed away. It was a week before Christmas. Just one month earlier we had buried my wife's mother who died the day before Thanksgiving. She was only 54.

    I share this with you just to say that I know what is like to lose someone close to you around the holidays. Knowing that they are saved and at home with the Lord is of great comfort. Still the holidays take on new meaning as we give thanks for all that we have, sing the praises of the birth of a holy baby, and remember those that we loved who are no longer with us. My praise are with you.

    In Christ,
    Tim Wade
