Thursday, March 12



I almost feel as though this is a new beginning. It has been some time since I have posted and longer still since I have been able to write about my personal walking with any regularity. Perhaps a bit of explanation about the physical is necessary. I am certainly still able to walk a mile or so a day, but do not do it as consistently as I once did. I do try to protect the hip as it has not been a year since it dislocated and I feel it may not be totally healed. I will return to surgeon in May when we go back to Illinois.However, I am still walking spiritually and it is this walk I intend to write about in this blog.

One of the areas of spiritual growth that has been on my mind recently is the area of relationships with other people-our spouse, our family, our church family and our extended family. Several years ago I wrote a series of lessons for the Altamont Christian Church to use as a study guide with my book JUST WALKING. The workbook was never published and I had almost forgotten about it. However, many of the points that we covered in that study have been on my heart and it is those things that I will be writing about in the next few weeks.


"Encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing." I Thessalonians 5:11

If we are to grow spiritually, we must love one another. We need to remember that we are a family. My own family is filled with adopted children. I have a niece, a nephew and two grandchildren who are a part of our immediate family. They are our children and are treated no differently than birth children. We love each child in our family differently, but we love them all the same. To God, we are just like that. We are his adopted children and we belong to the same family. Think about your church family. I encourage you to list at least five people who you feel truly are your brothers and sisters. Thank God for them and pray for them as you do your physical family.

So often in our church family as in our physical family people are hurt by careless or thoughtless actions and words. If we are to grow spiritually we need to be careful with our words and actions toward our church family. This week I encourage you to list three things you can do personally to keep members of your church family from being hurt either physically or spiritually.

Have you hurt someone in your church family unintentionally? Today is the day for forgiveness. Ask for forgiveness from the person and from God. Pray for the person. And then leave it there at the foot of the cross. Burdens are not meant to be carried forever. Grudges, hurt feelings and unforgiving attitudes are not meant to be a part of the family of God. When our relationship with God's children increases and becomes more loving so then does our love for God.

Pray that God will present you with the opportunity to encourage someone this week. Pray for your church family that you might walk with them on the road to spiritual growth that the world may see Christ and the you may walk in the abundant life Christ wants you to have.

Praying and making my lists too.



  1. I'm workin' on my list, Clella! Wise words.

  2. What a beautiful picture! Timely words. I'm so glad to have you as a friend and sister.


  3. Anonymous9:09 AM

    Good morning, Clella. Good to hear you are up and about. Enjoyed the photo. You are right, church family often become closer than blood relatives--but then they are "blood" relatives, we are born of the same Father God.

    Have a beautiful day, kat in Omaha.

  4. That is such an engaging photo. What a beautiful family* Three names popped into my mind immediately, though all three go to different congregations within the same fellowship!
