Wednesday, June 2


As I walk this morning, the fog is light, but the air is heavy. I decide to walk up the highway (on the side facing traffic) and then continue on the sidewalk for a few blocks. Everything seems a bit draggy. The car on the street is creeping, the sound of the construction across from the hospital is muffled, the bird’s songs are muted and my tennis shoes just drag on the concrete. I can feel a slight breeze, but even the air is sluggish.

As I walk toward High street, the shrubbery has grown until the sidewalk is rather narrow and my arm rubs the dew from the leaves. A bit disgruntled by this slow, damp morning, I start north up High Street.

As I often do, I begin to think of a Bible verse to fit the situation. I have been thinking on this particular verse now for several weeks and have found it applicable for soggy or sunny days. Now it comes to mind again. ... “for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances.” (Philippians 4:11) Paul wrote this to the church at Philippi while he was in jail. What a way to learn!

Perhaps, like Paul, we need to “learn” to be content. Even though the fog is still there, the humidity is high and the shrubs are wet, I can be content in the things around me at the moment.

Come walk with me and together we will learn to be content as Paul wrote "in any circumstance."

Contented Clella

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