Monday, August 15


This devotion is one I had written previously and decided to share with readers of this blog. I pray it will bless you. Clella

No,” said Peter, “you shall never wash my feet.”   Jesus said “Now that I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also should wash one another’s feet. I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you.” (John 13:12-13 NIV)

         “We will need to repeat the surgery.”  The doctor’s words staggered me.  Screws in last year’s hip replacement were not holding. I knew this would bring another time of dependency on others. Until the past year, I had always been the servant, not the receiver.
         Humbling ourselves so that others might serve us is often more difficult than serving. Our “stiff necks” of pride may keep us from giving and receiving an offer of love. Much like Peter we find ourselves rejecting those who wish to serve us.  Peter’s response exemplifies pride, but Christ depicts a servant’s heart.
To everything there is a season; sometimes we are called to be servants, but there are times we need to let others serve us.
         Humbly accepting another servant’s love allows both to experience a blessing-the servant and the recipient. Help us to have the wisdom to know when and where we should be serving, and when we should be the one being served.

Humble yourself and let God give you the proper Servant response today.

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