Friday, November 4


I do not know who to give credit to for this collage.
 It was taken from Photobucket
This old post I read this morning brought back other memories.Sharing with you again. Perhaps it will bring memories that you might want to share.

Thanksgiving will soon be upon us. Walking this morning in our mobile home park, I met young people on bicycles. An unusual sight in our retirement village. And  as I walked, I began to remember Thanksgiving’s past. My mind became a collage of memories much like the collection we often create with our photos on our computers. Memory overlapping memory.      

 My Aunt Opal , who lived with us, and I sitting around the kitchen table breaking up old bread for stuffing as my mother prepared the feast of the day. And then the memory of twin cousins coming later to entertain us with the double trouble antics of two little boys. That blends into the reflection of my own kitchen as my daughter and I work together to set the table and get ready for our aunts and uncles. I can see my children so clearly as they stomp in from the cold and snow to warm themselves with snacks and perhaps a pinch of pie dough or a slice of turkey. My memory collage is overshadowed by my more recent memories of our adult children and our young grandchildren running in and out the back door of our farm home. I can hear their grandpa shouting, “Shut that door.” as they run to the cookie jar or the toy box. Our daughter and her family arriving in a flurry of coats and shouts and hugs of greetings. The sweet smell of children and turkey blending in my mind  bring a lump to my throat, but a prayer of thanks to my heart. And as recent as last night I remember our  four year old great-granddaughter (via Facetime on our cell phone) proudly show us her sister of four months  and then dash to plug in the Christmas tree they have just decorated so that we might see the lights.
But over all my collage I see the love of God  framing all my memories.

Our God has blessed my life and my family in so many ways. Some I remember and others I don’t, but always He has been there to protect us, guide us, and most of all love us.  And for all of that I thank Him this Thanksgiving season.


  1. wonderful memory and doesn't that memory upon memory build some flavor to life?

  2. This only started a mural of memories. And yes on the flavor.
