Monday, February 3


Our minister on Sunday used these instructions from Noah as a part of his sermon on facing fear with courage.  I found it so true and wanted to share it with my readers. He indicated it was not original, but he could not find source and neither can I, but it is worth thinking about.  So I am thanking the person who first had these comments.
I feel I will go back to them often.


1.   Don’t miss the boat
2.   Remember we are all in the same boat.
3.   Plan ahead, it wasn’t raining when Noah started to build
4.   Stay fit, you never know what God may call you to do when you are old.
5.   Don’t listen to critics. Just go ahead and do the job that needs to be done.
6.   Build your future on high ground.
7.   Speed isn’t everything.
8.   When you are stressing, float.
9.   Ark was built by amateur…Titanic by professionals.
10.       No matter what the storm, there is peace at the end.

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